This is a comprehensive tutorial on how to create datatables using Yajra datatable package in Laravel 8|7 application.
This laravel 8 datatables tutorial helps you understand the nitty-gritty of tabular data in laravel.
We would see how to align yajra datatables in laravel 8 from scratch. We will create a laravel app from the beginning and integrate datatables in Laravel 8.
We will use bootstrap to build datatables in laravel and also see laravel datatables ajax example.
Datatables in Laravel Example
Datatables are the UI mechanism created to search, paginate, sort, and order the users’ data to scan. DataTables is a plug-in provided by the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible yet powerful tool developed over the foundations of progressive enhancement that adds all of these advanced features to any HTML table.
Datatables plugin offers following features:
- Pagination
- Quick search
- Responsive
- Beautiful themes
- Multi column ordering
- Various extensions
Let’s get started.
Create Laravel Project
By using the composer package manager execute the command and install the project.
Move to the app root.
Setting Up Yajra Datatable Package
The YajraDatatable is developed to handle the server-side data for DataTables. The whole mechanism works on jQuery and supported AJAX within the paradigm of Eloquent ORM, Fluent Query Builder, or Collection.
Install the Yajra DataTable package in Laravel.
Next, register the required datatable service in providers and alias within the config/app.php.
Create Model and Run Migrations
Using the below command we will create a model.
Add code in database/migrations/timestamp_create_employeess_table.php.
Define the following properties in app/Employee.php.
We are all set, just run migration.
Generate Fake Data
In order to show the Laravel Datatables example, we must have some data in the backend. To fill this gap, we will create some dummy data, and Faker will help us complete this task.
Add the values in database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php.
Here you are, execute command to create fake data:
Create Controller
We need to create a EmployeeController and here we write the code to render records from the database.
Place the code app/Http/Controllers/EmployeeController.php.
Create Route
Next, we need to set up a route, include code in routes/web.php.
Show Data in Datatables
This laravel datatables tutorial is going to take a turn which is almost near the destination. So, create a index.blade.php file, It will load the datatables in the laravel view.
We are creating table using Bootstrap UI framework, so import the Bootstrap CSS in the head section of the laravel template.
Add code in resources/views/index.blade.php.
Start Laravel App
Execute command to test the app:
You can check the app on the following URL: